Category: System Admin

  • Creating and Using Post Templates

    Summary: Using the Full Site Editor, how do you create new templates for use with some or all of your WordPress posts? How do you associate one – or many – posts with a particular template? Which template is used by default when you create a new post? While not a definitive guide, you’ll find […]

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  • Latency caused by UDP fragmentation

    While testing a WebRTC application recently, I noticed some unexpected delays in the execution of a series of lines in my OpenSIPS control script. For OpenSIPS to behave properly it is essential that the child threads don’t get blocked and that the lines in the script are executed at speed. Seeing a delay of several […]

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  • Using ClusterLabs Pacemaker with OpenSIPS

    Summary In this article we examine how Pacemaker and Corosync might be used to supercharge OpenSIPS and build a highly available clustered solution. The focus is entirely on High Availability rather than any form of load sharing. This means we are looking for a way to have more than one server contactable on the same IP […]

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  • About IP Packet Communications – TCP and UDP

    Devices communicate data to other devices on the Internet using certain recognised protocols that involve routing and transmission of packets of data to a remote device identified by an IP addresses. The most widely used protocols on the Internet are TCP and UDP. The differences between these two protocols are of a highly technical nature […]

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  • What is NAT?

    What is NAT? NAT stands for Network Address Translation. Many devices sold as Firewalls or Routers are actually combined Firewall, Router and NAT device in one box. NAT is the mechanism that allows you to have many PC’s on your LAN all connected to the Internet through a single external IP address. When one of […]

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