Tag: OpenSIPS
How secure is your Asterisk PBX? – part 1
A growing problem Like a slice of Victoria sponge cake on a summers day attracts wasps, so new technologies seem to attract the attention of cyber-criminals. The more widely used the technology, the greater the interest. It was inevitable, and widely predicted, that VoIP would become a favorite target for hackers as its popularity and uptake increased […]
Installing Mediaproxy 2 on CentOS 5 64bit
Mediaproxy 2 is a Python application from AG-Projects which is available as a free download as well as being available as a commercial product from AG-Projects. It is used in combination with the Mediaproxy module of OpenSIPS. Unlike Mediaproxy 1, the new version has a lot of dependencies and it can be quite tricky to […]
Installing OpenSIPS v1.6.1 on CentOS 5 64bit
Smartvox Limited offered consultancy for installation and configuration of OpenSIPS, Asterisk and PSTN gateways. If you want to do it all yourself, here is a set of instructions that should help. Installing OpenSIPS v1.6.1 on CentOS 5 64 bit is very straightforward. All the dependencies can be installed using YUM. The packages required will depend […]
High Availability and Failover options for SIP and Asterisk
Overview What’s the disaster we are trying to avoid? The assumed scenario is this: Some kind of centralised VoIP service is being offered to a number of users; the service operates on servers located at a data centre or office and the users each have a SIP client device, such as an IP phone, that […]