Tag: Record-Route
Fixing SIP header addresses – Contact headers
Part 3 of this series of articles focusses on the Contact header. In particular, I examine the use-cases where it is necessary to “fix” (or alter) a received Contact header. Contact headers work in close combination with Record-Route and Route headers in a mechanism known as loose routing. To get the most from this article […]
Fixing SIP header addresses – Introduction
The main theme I explore in these articles is when and how a SIP Proxy should alter (or “fix”) embedded sender address information – IP and port – in a SIP request that it has received. The headers that are most relevant here are Via, Contact and Record-Route
Contact and Record-Route headers explained
Diagnosing some problems in the world of VoIP requires close inspection of the SIP messages being exchanged, but there are many occasions where a good understanding of loose routing will be invaluable. The headers that underpin loose routing are Contact, Record-Route and Route. In this post, I explain how they work and provide some insight […]