Tag: SER

  • Installing OpenSIPS v1.6.1 on CentOS 5 64bit

    Smartvox Limited offered consultancy for installation and configuration of OpenSIPS, Asterisk and PSTN gateways. If you want to do it all yourself, here is a set of instructions that should help. Installing OpenSIPS v1.6.1 on CentOS 5 64 bit is very straightforward. All the dependencies can be installed using YUM. The packages required will depend […]

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  • What is NAT?

    What is NAT? NAT stands for Network Address Translation. Many devices sold as Firewalls or Routers are actually combined Firewall, Router and NAT device in one box. NAT is the mechanism that allows you to have many PC’s on your LAN all connected to the Internet through a single external IP address. When one of […]

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