Tag: voip

  • Taking the plunge with SIP Trunks – Part 3

    Outbound calls; Matching a DDI/DID; Diagnosing problems; Internet bandwidth. Configuration for Outbound calling Part 2 looked only at the configuration for receiving inbound calls, but the SIP Trunk configuration form in Trixbox/FreePBX has to also include the settings for making outbound calls. It may not even work at all if you only use the inbound […]

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  • Taking the plunge with SIP Trunks – Part 2

    Recap In part 1, I explained how a SIP Trunk is really just a virtual connection between your IP-PBX and the VoIP service provider. Standard SIP signalling is used on the trunk, but more than one simultaneous call is allowed and you may have more than one DID number. Basic requirements to enable your SIP […]

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  • Taking the plunge with SIP Trunks – Part 1

    Many VoIP service providers offer SIP Trunks as a standard product, but just what is a SIP trunk and what can you use it for and how do you make it work with Asterisk or FreePBX? I will attempt to answer these questions in this 3 part blog, starting with the basics. What is a […]

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  • How can an Asterisk IP-PBX benefit my business?

    In a Nutshell: The benefits of upgrading to an Asterisk based IP-PBX

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  • High Availability and Failover options for SIP and Asterisk

    Overview What’s the disaster we are trying to avoid? The assumed scenario is this: Some kind of centralised VoIP service is being offered to a number of users; the service operates on servers located at a data centre or office and the users each have a SIP client device, such as an IP phone, that […]

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  • What is NAT?

    What is NAT? NAT stands for Network Address Translation. Many devices sold as Firewalls or Routers are actually combined Firewall, Router and NAT device in one box. NAT is the mechanism that allows you to have many PC’s on your LAN all connected to the Internet through a single external IP address. When one of […]

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Please note this article is old and
only relevant if using chan_sip.

If you are using the newer pjsip,
this article is not relevant.

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