Author: John Quick
Interrupt Timer for UNO WiFi Rev2 and other ATmega4809 units
The usual interrupt timer libraries and examples may not work on the Arduino UNO WiFi Rev2 and Nano Every because they use the ATmega4809 processor. So here is a quick and simple example showing how to use one of the inbuilt timers (TCB0) to toggle a variable that can be checked in the loop routine. […]
Caller ID in SIP
Equipment receiving calls, whether a humble handset or a sophisticated Call centre ACD system, likes to know the identity of the caller. It may simply display the caller’s number on an LCD display, look it up in a directory so the caller’s name can be displayed or pre-populate a screen with information about the caller […]
Testing the NRF24L01 with Arduino Nano 33
Summary NRF24L01 modules, because of their low cost, are an appealing option for data transmission over modest distances. They are best suited to unobstructed “line-of-sight” transmission, but one might hope at least to reach an adjacent room indoors. Here, I describe my experience testing a pair of NRF24L01 modules, each linked to an Arduino Nano […]
Creating and Using Post Templates
Summary: Using the Full Site Editor, how do you create new templates for use with some or all of your WordPress posts? How do you associate one – or many – posts with a particular template? Which template is used by default when you create a new post? While not a definitive guide, you’ll find […]
Making OpenSIPS work as MS Teams SBC
Introduction Alexey Vasilyev posted an article to the OpenSIPS blog site in September 2019 which explained how to use OpenSIPS as an SBC for Microsoft Teams Direct Routing: OpenSIPS as MS Teams SBC – Drops of wisdom, knowledge and news from OpenSIPS I am sure the OpenSIPS community is grateful to Alexey for sharing his […]
Fixing SIP header addresses – Contact headers
Part 3 of this series of articles focusses on the Contact header. In particular, I examine the use-cases where it is necessary to “fix” (or alter) a received Contact header. Contact headers work in close combination with Record-Route and Route headers in a mechanism known as loose routing. To get the most from this article […]
Fixing SIP header addresses – Via headers
In part 2, Via headers are put under the microscope. I examine how the address in the Via header is set by each node in the path; how and why it may differ from the source address. I will look at the functions available in OpenSIPS to detect and handle situations where the address in […]
Fixing SIP header addresses – Introduction
The main theme I explore in these articles is when and how a SIP Proxy should alter (or “fix”) embedded sender address information – IP and port – in a SIP request that it has received. The headers that are most relevant here are Via, Contact and Record-Route
Contact and Record-Route headers explained
Diagnosing some problems in the world of VoIP requires close inspection of the SIP messages being exchanged, but there are many occasions where a good understanding of loose routing will be invaluable. The headers that underpin loose routing are Contact, Record-Route and Route. In this post, I explain how they work and provide some insight […]